TECHNO-PARTS GmbH - ACHEMA 2024 | Hall 8.0 Booth A9

Visit us at ACHEMA 2024 and let our sealing specialists inform you about our innovative products for the pharmaceutical and process industries, H2 technology and much more.

Our high-performance sealing solutions for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries as well as for sustainable and clean energy generation and raw material extraction have continued to develop. For example, with friction- and service life-optimised shaft seals in a wide range of types for wind power as well as large and heavy machinery construction. The same applies to heavy-duty sealing systems for clean hydrogen technology and a wide range of rotary sealing systems for efficient drilling technology.

We would also be pleased to inform you personally about our highly specialised products in the following areas:

#hydrogen innovation
#green innovation
#pharma innovation
#process innovation

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